Sie sind hier: Startseite Working Groups of the Graduate School Humanities "Gender" Working Group "Gender" Working Group

"Gender" Working Group

Information on the Gender Working Group
The Gender Working Group welcomes doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and advanced students from the humanities and the social sciences who wish to engage in an interdisciplinary discussion of gender studies topics – be it because they are working explicitly on gender issues or becuase they have a general interest in ideas from gender theory and criticism of heteronomativity.
The main focus of our discussions is currently on questions of inter- and transdisciplinarity in gender studies. These questions concern us specifically as an interdisciplinary working group, but they also have a long tradition in the genuinely “interdisciplinary” discipline of gender studies. Literary scholars and linguists, sociologists and cultural scientists, biologists and computer scientists – they are all united in a dialogue between different views of science, theoretical traditions, and research interests.
The Gender Working Group meets regularly for internal meetings at the Center for Anthropology and Gender Studies (ZAG) in Freiburg and also organizes events (lectures, workshops) on various topics of gender studies.

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